iOS is again having problems with daylight saving time

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  If you think that Apple has finally solved the problems related to the automatic time change in iOS, then I am telling you right now that you are wrong. Yesterday in the USA the transition to summer time was made and many users started to cry by the fact that their iDevices did not make the transition as they should. It seems that some terminals did not set the clock one hour earlier, but set it one hour later, so the effect was contrary to the one expected by the users. The problem is not new, it is very old, but this year fewer and fewer users are complaining about the existence of the problem.

  Those who have iOS 5.1 installed claim that the problem does not exist and that the switch to summer time was made automatically, so there is a possibility that this version of the operating system has all the errors resolved. It is advisable to set your exact location in Settings>General>Date&Time to be sure that your iDevice knows how to correctly switch to summer time/winter time when necessary. In Romania, we will switch to summer time on March 25.