DON'T be fooled by fake jailbreak/unlock and downgrade solutions for iOS 5.1

  This week I received too many emails in which I was shown various websites whose sole purpose was to deceive people either by selling jailbreak, unlock or downgrade solutions or simply by listing some false information. At the moment there is NO untethered jailbreak and unlock solution for iOS 5.1 and any website that claims it can offer you something like this is not telling the truth. Many websites write articles with misleading information to attract traffic from Google in the hope of making money from advertisements, but of course they are not the only ones in this situation because some claim to sell jailbreak, decoding or downgrade solutions but they does not exist.

  If you haven't read here about the launch of any untethered jailbreak, unlock or downgrade solution for iOS 5.1, then look with great distrust at everything you see presented on the internet because in this period many people are struggling to make money based on the naivety of iDevice owners- hate. NEVER pay for such an untethered jailbreak/unlock/downgrade solution because they ARE FREE and if you want to reward someone, I always announce the people who develop solutions like this and the locations where you can make donations.