Cydia 1.1.6 update available

  Last night, saurik released version 1.1.6 of Cydia in order to fix a joke that he started on April 1 last year. Then saurik introduced advertising banners in Cydia to fool users, but it seems that not everyone "tasted" his joke, so now it seems that he removed the code and released version 1.1.6. Considering that this is the day of fools, I don't know if everything he says is true and Cydia wouldn't include any other surprises for us, but officially there wouldn't be any other changes besides removing that code.

 For April Fools' 2011, I did a Twitter-inspired “dickbar” in Cydia; I apparently never removed the code and it just checks for "April 1". 🙁 As many users just get confused and angry regarding Cydia's April Fools' jokes, I have pushed Cydia 1.1.6 (which removes the obsolete code).

  You can install Cydia 1.1.6 directly from Cydia.