Most tablet owners use their devices while watching TV

  A new study carried out by the American agency Nielsen proves that the majority of tablet owners they choose to use their devices while watching TV or doing various other things. The study was carried out in several countries around the world and its results confirm the fact that 88% of tablet owners use the products while watching TV and the USA is the country where there are the most users with this kind of habits. The interesting part is that the number of users who use smartphones while watching TV is lower than that of tablet owners who do the same.

New research from analytics firm Nielsen confirms what most have suspected about the symbiotic relationship between tablets and television, and offers some hope for a growing crop of startups looking to capitalize on the second screen experience. In a 2011 fourth quarter survey of connected device owners, Nielsen found that 88 percent of tablet owners in the US use their device while watching TV at least once a month, 45 percent do so on a daily basis, and more than a quarter (26 percent) go into multitask boob-tube mode several times a day.

  Practically, this study proves that users do multitasking even when they have a device in front of them that should attract their full attention and tablets are proving to be much more popular than many would have imagined. I can't say that I use an iPad tablet while watching TV but I often use a mobile phone while doing so and I assume that in your case the situation is not much different.