Swÿp will allow you to transfer files between iDevices with simple gestures (Video)

[vimeo] http://vimeo.com/34976677 [/ vimeo]

  Swÿp is a project of a Finnish university and its goal is to bring us a system that will allow us to transfer files between iDevices using simple swipes. In the video clip above you have a short demonstration of how everything works and the devices were not jailbroken, so everything you see can be done on any iPhone or iPad tablet. The technology uses Wi-Fi networks to transfer files between our iDevices and I have to admit that the idea is more than interesting.

  For now, everything is in the development stage and in the end you won't have the option to transfer songs or applications via Swÿp, but pictures should be able to be sent exactly as you see in the video clip above.