Siri – the assistant who doesn't understand anyone

  This is the title an infographic very interesting that collects the statistics of some studies that focused on the personal assistant in the iPhone 4S terminal. According to these studies, 55% of Siri users declare themselves satisfied with the assistant and only 9% of them say that the software designed by Apple does not satisfy them. Most of those who use Siri do so to initiate calls, send messages or search for various things on the web, but very few use the assistant to make an appointment.

  A third of those who have Siri in their iPhone 4S say they would not use the assistant to send an email, listen to music or schedule a meeting, but 26% of users send emails daily using the assistant. It is clear that Siri is used in completely different ways by everyone and everyone finds it useful for something. How do you use Siri?