CoverMeNot allows you to display the entire application interface along with the notification banners

  The new notification system launched by Apple together with iOS 5 allows us to choose how we are notified about the events that take place in applications or in our operating system. Normally, notifications are displayed in the form of banners that appear at the top of the screen and cover a good part of the application interface. To avoid covering the entire application interface, the tweak was developed CoverMeNot which forces the display of banners above their UI. In practice, you will not see the information from the status bar, but you will have the full application displayed when a notification appears.

CoverMeNot doubles the status bar height when a notification banner comes in (and resizes back when it slides out) so notification banners no longer cover the app you're using.

  CoverMeNot is available for free in Cydia.