Pod 2G, Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team have been nominated for the Pwnie Awards for the jailbreak solutions released so far

  This year there is a new edition of Pwnie Awards, an event in which credit is given to hackers who have discovered the most powerful exploits in several pre-established categories. In this year's edition, Pod2G was nominated for the exploit used in the Absinthe jailbreak solution that makes untethered jailbreak for iOS 5/5.0.1, but he is not the only character of the communication of the developers of jailbreak solutions who was nominated. Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team were also nominated, but they are part of the category of those who discovered and developed exploits widely used by Internet users.

iOS HFS Catalog File Integer Underflow (CVE-2012-0642)

Credit: pod2g

This exploit was used for the Absinthe iOS 5.0/5.0.1 untethered. It massaged the kernel heap into submission, copying over the syscall table and giving pod2g (as well as jailbreak users everywhere) a happy ending. And who doesn't love happy endings?

iOS Jailbreaks

iPhone Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team

We love the jailbreakers and you should too. They publicly drop all of their exploits as 0day, convince millions of users to disable the security features on their own devices, and then keep those devices vulnerable to the released exploits until new exploits can be developed and released in the patched versions of iOS.

  In each section several hackers/several teams are nominated and in a few weeks each category will have a winner, and Pod2G and Dev Team/Chronic Dev Team do not seem to have too many problems in emerging victorious. Last year comex and geohot each won a category of the Pwnie Awards, but this year we will see the previously mentioned awarded.