Hundreds of thousands of dollars are paid by Apple for the witnesses who support it in the lawsuits

  These days there is a trial between Samsung and Apple, and dozens of witnesses and experts, including members of Apple's management team, are brought to support the two companies. If you ever wondered how much these people earn, here it is through the tweets above you can find out the exorbitant amounts that Apple spends every court day. So far Apple has paid $80.000 to an iconographer, $75.000 to a design expert and $50.000 to another expert who attacked Samsung.

  These experts ask between $400 and $625 for each hour of advice provided to Apple, so we are talking about very large sums of money that Apple will probably never recover. In the images above, only $205.000 spent by Apple with some experts is justified, but the price paid by Apple for supporting this process will be much higher and not only from a monetary point of view.