Turn to silence deactivates the ringtone when you are called

  Turn to silence is a tweak released during this day in Cydia, and through it you can disable the ringtone that is played by iOS when you are called. Normally you can do this by pressing the Lock button once, but this tweak performs the same actions by simply repositioning the iPhone screen-down on the table. Practically, if someone calls you and you turn the iPhone with the screen down, the ringtone of your terminal will be automatically deactivated, the functionality being similar to that of the tweak Turn to hang up.

This tweak allows you to silence the incoming calls simply by turning the device face down on a flat surface. Please visit the settings to enable/disable this tweak.

  The tweak has a menu in the Settings application of iOS, and there you can activate/deactivate it and nothing more. If your iPhone is placed with the screen on the table when you are called, then there is a possibility that it will automatically block the ringtone and you will not find out that you have been called until you unlock the iDevice. Turn To Silence is available for free in Cydia's BigBoss repo.