iPhone 5 - we know "a lot" and yet we know nothing

  I have seen countless images of devices that are supposed to represent the terminal iPhone 5, we saw as many images of what appeared to be its internal components, we have iOS 6, but there are still many unknowns about this device. The big changes will not only be related to the screen and the case, they will also be related to the software or some internal components. Apple has not managed to keep secret the dimensions of the screen and its design, but there are some elements about which we will not know anything until the day of the presentation.

  I expect Apple to amaze the world with at least one interesting software function, I expect that in iPhone 5 there will be something undiscovered or not presented yet and no matter what your opinion is about the device now, after the presentation made by Apple you will change your opinion. I'm sure that Apple has at least one secret function, like Siri was last year, and it will probably generate a new "revolution" in the technology industry.