The iPhone can be used together with mine detectors (Video)


  PETALS or Pattern Enhancement Tool for Assisting Landmine Sensing is a technology that allows smartphone owners to use their devices together with metal detectors, or even mine detectors. A company tested at the moment the system is in Cambodia, and in the video clip above you have a demonstration of how it works. Basically, the metal detector detects what is underground, and the iPhone, through an application, picks up the sounds emitted by the detector and generates a virtual map.

In deminer training, teaching aids are limited to laser pointers, textbook diagrams and physical markers. PETALS Remote revolutionizes training by providing visual feedback about trainee detector trajectories. This feedback helps instructors to more quickly diagnose and correct mistakes, and to monitor multiple trainees at once. PETALS Remote is a tablet-sized device that connects wirelessly to PETALS Live. Instructors view trainees' activity on the tablet, while trainees practice with sensors that are augmented with PETALS Live. 

  Theoretically, any kind of smartphone can be used for this kind of device and the way of use is interesting, especially since it offers a functionality that was otherwise inaccessible.