New accessories for iDevices can test your urine and saliva to tell you if you're sick

  For iDevices there are some medical devices capable of telling us what our blood pressure is, what our weight is and if we have hearing problems, but soon we will have much more complex devices. The Scanadu company intends to launch on the market 3 accessories for iDevices: the first is called Scout and is able to read our vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, blood oxygenation, temperature) by approaching the temples; the second is called ScanaFlo and is able to analyze urine; and the third is called ScanaFlu and is able to analyze saliva.

  The devices take the information in less than 10 seconds and it automatically transmits it to an iDevice, where an application analyzes it and tells us if the results are good or not, or it can send them directly to a doctor. The accessories would be available for less than $150 in the US, but for now they are in the development process and no one knows when they will arrive in stores. The idea is very good and we are probably talking about the first accessories for iDevices capable of analyzing urine or saliva.