An iOS game is pulled from the App Store after only 10 days due to piracy

  Battle Dungeon is a title released 10 days ago in the App Store and it seems that it was extremely popular, but not only in front of players willing to spend money to install it in their own applications. Game developers claim that many users hacked the title, and during the last night they withdrew the application from the App Store and announced to their buyers that they have to close the servers on which Battle Dungeon operates due to the fact that they cannot cope with the large number of users, and improving the infrastructure is impossible because of the money lost through piracy.

Unfortunately we have taken Battle Dungeon down for the foreseeable future. This was due to high levels of server load created by large numbers of pirated copies of the game. The high load revealed technical issues which we don't feel we can fix to the level that our paying customers deserve.

  The developers have decided not to invest in the infrastructure and will give the money back to all those who bought the title from the App Store or purchased something through the in-app purchases system. Unfortunately, this is just one of the side effects of piracy and interesting games can be withdrawn from the market because of those who prefer to take advantage of the work of others for free.