Steve Jobs' name seems to have been registered as a trademark for a clothing line in Turkey

  Steve Jobs is a name recognized globally by tens or maybe even hundreds of millions of people, and a businessman from Turkey try to benefit of the notoriety of the former Apple CEO to promote a clothing line. The Patent and Trademark Office in Turkey seems to have registered the name of Steve Jobs as a trademark to a local businessman, the person wanting to promote a clothing line internationally. The Turk claims that the name is so well known that it would attract extremely many customers, and the members of the patent and trademark office seem to have considered that Steve Jobs' name can be patented by anyone.

Opening overseas with this name will be an advantage for us considering that we will be mainly exporting. We think that Steve Jobs is a worldwide known brand that will never be forgotten. It is also obvious that it will facilitate our work on overseas advertisements of our products.

  The brand seems to have been registered and protected since October 2011, yes exactly the one in which Steve Jobs died, but for now I have not seen any attempt to promote this clothing line. It is unlikely that Apple's lawyers will leave things like this, especially since the Turkish president was open to negotiations with the Americans and it is possible that Apple will have a firm intervention to protect the memory of the one who founded it.