Journalists close to Apple receive vouchers that allow them to download 100 songs from iTunes for free


  I told you this week that iTunes Store it is a decade since its establishment and that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), designed a special page to mark the event. Well that page isn't the only thing it does Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, the American company giving them to journalists also bring a voucher with which they can download 100 songs from iTunes. The 100 songs were chosen by Apple, and the package received by the journalists comes with a message from Eddy Cue, the SVP who heads the division that manages Apple's Internet services.

When Apple introduced the iTunes Store on April 28, 2003, we thought if consumers had a great, legal way to download music they would embrace it — did they ever. Apple was floored, as were the labels, when customers bought over 1 million songs during the first week. And now, 10 years later, we continue to be amazed by how much customers love the iTunes Store, with more than 25 billion songs sold.

Apple loves music and strives to provide customers with the most innovative features and services on iTunes. We are all very proud of having such an incredible selection of legendary musicians on the iTunes Store and take great pride in exposing music fans to new and emerging artists.

We've put together a compilation of 100 songs that represent milestones throughout the history of iTunes and shows just how far we've come. I'd like to thank our customers, label partners, and artists for being part of such an incredible decade.

-Eddy Cue