Cydia arrives in Android OS, how will the iOS platform be affected? (Video)


  Last night saurik, the creator Cydia, has launched Cydia Subtrate for AndroidOS, i.e. the MobileSubstrate for iOS was ported to the operating system Android together with the Winterboard application, and a similar application Cydia is available Google Play. saurik has been working on this project for years, now he has managed to complete it and offers tweak and application developers the opportunity to double or even triple their audience of potential customers by porting existing tweaks to the Android OS platform, or for the development of new ones.

  Although developers will probably be happy with Saurik's achievement, in time iDevice owners will be seriously affected. Why am I saying this? Well, because now developers will have to produce software for two different platforms and some will try to do this, the development process being extremely laborious. It is not easy to develop for iOS, but when you have an Android in front of you with hundreds of different terminals, with many incompatibilities and problems, things get seriously complicated and in the end we will be affected. In practice, the time of the developers will be divided and in the future this could lead to the postponement of the release of some tweaks, the abandonment of the launch of others, or the abandonment of support for the existing software.

  It is well known that the owners of Android terminals do not pay for software and prefer to pirate it, the same thing happens in iOS, but to a lesser extent, so the attention that Cydia receives will determine the attention given by the platform developers Android. The good part for us is that for the Android platform there are a multitude of hackers who have developed all kinds of mods, Cydia will be just one of the stores that offers tweaks and this is good.

  In time we will see how many developers will choose the Android adventure and we will see how many will have the courage to develop for both platforms, but considering that jailbreak- for iOS is a gold mine for many, it is possible that the release of Cydia Substrate will be a motivating factor for the release of more solutions jailbreak in the following years.