Ashton Kutcher explains the reasons on the basis of which he chose to play Steve Jobs in the movie jOBS

  During a question and answer session that took place on the Quora network, Ashton Kutcher explained the reasons on the basis of which he chose to interpret Steve Jobs in the movie JOBS. Kutcher says he chose the role because he admires Steve Jobs and he cares about the legacy left by him, considering that the role of the former Apple CEO must be played by a person who really cares about what he built. Going further, Kutcher says that: he took the role because he considered it to be very difficult and in life he achieved great things by overcoming difficult obstacles; the film represents a perfect combination between his interests from the last years, he being an investor in start-ups that develop new technologies; and at the end the actor claims that he was pleasantly impressed by the film's message.

  Although the initial reviews of the movie jOBS were not so flattering for the actors and producers, the movie will certainly generate enormous interest worldwide, Steve Jobs having millions and millions of fans who can't wait to see the first screening of his story of life. In Romania, jOBS will be released on August 16 in cinemas, and here you can see the latest trailer of the movie.

Choosing to take this role was very difficult. I greatly admire the work that Steve Jobs has done and have many friends and colleagues who knew and/or worked for Steve. So, when I read a screen play that was not entirely flattering to his character I had great reservations. But I chose to take on the role for a couple of reasons. 

1. And which. As I read the script I had a knot in my stomach. I imagined actors playing the role and not connecting to the love that went into some of the seemingly irrational decisions that Steve sometimes made. If this film becomes an enduring memory, of a man I admire, I wanted to ensure that it was portrayed by someone who cared about his legacy and took the time to represent him in a way that people who were close to Steve felt to be authentic . 

2. The idea of ​​playing the role terrified me. I've found that the greatest rewards I've received in my life have come from jumping at the opportunities to take on things that scare me. The chance to portray someone who not only lived but who is still very relevant and alive in the zeitgeist seemed to be a once-in-a-lifetime challenge.

3. It was a perfect convergence in my craft and my interests. I've spent the last 5 years working with early stage technology companies as an investor and advisor. Whenever you take on a role, it's like a crash course in the subject matter of the film. So while researching the role I was able to spend countless hours studying tech design, product, and history. It also afforded me the opportunity to meet with several of Steve's peers who happen to be icons of the tech world. 

4. I loved what the film stands for. I think with the state of the global economy inspiring young people to build things is vital. I wanted to remind entrepreneurs that Steve Jobs wasn't always "Steve Jobs", that he struggled, that he failed, and that he rigorously persevered to build something great to improve other people's lives.