The time spent using smartphones and tablets has doubled in the last 3 years

  Smartphones and tablets have become extremely popular in recent years, and a recent study of comscore shows us exactly how much our habits have changed. Between 2010 and 2013, the amount of time smartphones and tablets are used doubled, at least if we are talking about the USA. If you look at the graph above, you will notice that daily smartphones record a little over 6 hours of use, while tablets record 100 minutes of attention from users.

  If in 2010 tablets were practically non-existent in terms of daily usage statistics, and smartphones grabbed users' attention for only 81 minutes a day, now things are completely different. Of course, no one knows how things will be in 3 years, but at this rate, we can expect that the time of use of desktops will decrease radically, and that smartphones and tablets will quickly take their place in user preferences.