iOS 7 untethered jailbreak could be ready for a demonstration

  As you already know very well, a solution of untethered jailbreak for iOS 7 is currently under development, the hackers of the evad3rs team working hard to prepare it for public release. One of the hackers published a message via Twitter this evening, stating that all the parts needed to assemble the solution untethered jailbreak for iOS 7 they could be prepared, but for now it is not known for sure. This means that hackers are getting closer to the point where they could publicly demonstrate that their solution is working and show the first image of a iPhone 5S jailbroken.

  This year hackers seem very interested in quickly releasing an untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 7, and this can only be gratifying for users. If you are wondering when this solution could be launched, well, most likely in a relatively short period of time after the launch iOS 7.1 we should have it. The chances that the solution of jailbreak to appear before iOS 7.1 are practically non-existent, hackers waiting for the release of this important version of iOS to exploit the operating system and Apple iDevices.