Flappy Bird is recreated in the real world (Video)


  Following the success in App StoreFlappy Bird has become a name known by extremely many owners of iDevices or terminals Android, and one of them thought to reproduce the game in real life. As you can already see from the video clip above, we are talking about a motherboard Arduino which allows the realization of the entire creation, the game having a functionality at least as annoying as the one thought by its Vietnamese developer.

Because I work with a lot of digital games and apps, I wanted to combine my two interests and make a physical version of the digital game and potentially use the project as a teaching tool for a wider audience. I also love Flappy Bird despite being a terrible player. I was hoping the IRL version would be easier, but I think I made it harder than I wanted to. Although, she's already doing better on the IRL version than the mobile game, with a personal best of somewhere in the twenties.

  To be honest, I think a smart company could have made tens of millions of dollars with this game, but despite the fact that it is no longer available, it will definitely go down in history as one of the greatest "hits" ” of App Store or Google Play.