SimpleLockscreen brings a new design to the iOS 7 LockScreen

  SimpleLockscreen is a mod released last night in Cydia, and with its help we can completely change the design of the LockScreen iOS 7. Working with the GroovyLock plugin, SimpleLockscreen it is designed to replace all elements of the LockScreen, it works equally well no matter which type iPhone or iPod Touch we use it. After installation, the mod will display the time in large format, between the time there is information about the temperature, the weather, but also the date we are in.

Requires: iOS7+ and GroovyLock. SimpleLockscreen is a simple lockscreen theme for your iOS 7 device. It will work on all devices that have a 4 inch screen like the iPhone 5S, 5C and 5, and the iPod Touch 5th-generation. You also don't need to change the wallpaper, just choose one you like and then set it as your lockscreen wallpaper. To change the weather location, open up "LockBackground.html" via iFile and search for "location". After that you should see something like this code "USMExxx", replace that with your own weather code by getting it from the weather channel or google it.

  To display the temperature of your location you will need to access the mod menu in the iOS file system, look for the file Lease and to USMExxx modify this entry, adding instead xxx your location code. SimpleLockscreen is available in the ZodTTD & MacCiti al repo Cydia.