Here is how many subscribers the largest telephone networks in the world have

  More than 7 billion people live on this planet, and a very large part of them have a mobile phone subscription with the existing operators in the countries where they live. Putting things into perspective, the people from Asymco present us with a vision of the countries with the largest mobile phone networks in the world, as well as the percentage of the population that has an active subscription. You will see from the very beginning that in India there is the lowest percentage of the population that has a mobile phone subscription, while in Russia there is the highest percentage.

  Countries like the USA, Brazil or Mexico have one active subscription for each citizen, countries like Brazil, Russia, Japan or Germany have more subscriptions than inhabitants, and in China, India, Pakistan, Nigeria or the Philippines the situation is exactly the opposite. Practically, in countries with strong economies there are many subscribers to mobile phone networks, in less developed countries there are fewer, and probably most of you have already imagined these things.