Heartbleed exploit can leave you without the user accounts used in various websites

  Heartbleed exploit is a vulnerability recently exploited by hackers to steal user accounts and passwords for a multitude of websites used by extremely many people around the globe. According to some estimates, over 66% of currently active websites would be affected by this vulnerability and among them are Yahoo!, Tumblr, Ebay, Flickr, 500px and many, many others. Conformable the information provided so far, it seems that at the time of logging in, hackers can retrieve the password used to log in to these websites using the exploit heartbleed.

  The problem with this exploit is that it affects the servers where the websites are hosted and has nothing to do with our computers or mobile terminals. For this reason, you must be extremely careful how you access the websites, the vulnerability being present in the technology SSL, but the websites Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), and those of Microsoft or Google seem to remain immune to it. Unfortunately, only website administrators can solve the problem and if you are interested in finding out which websites are affected, then this website can help you, being available here a list with the important websites verified.