SelfDestruct force closes any app open on the main iOS screen

  SelfDestruct is a tweak available since last evening in Cydia, and with its help we can forcibly close any open application in iOS in case of need. The tweak was developed specifically for situations in which applications freeze during use, and using the plugin Activator and a gesture we can immediately activate the functionality SelfDestruct. Only the application opened in the main screen of iOS will be forcibly closed when performing the gesture assigned to SelfDestruct, so don't expect anything else.

Kill foreground app (in case of emergency). SelfDestruct will immediately close the foreground app when activated. Particularly helpful for apps and tweaks that freeze up frequently (eg Auxo 2's Hot Corners). Requires Activator, should work on all active iOS versions. Configure Activator from Settings.

  SelfDestruct it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.