JailbreakCon leaves us without any new exploits for iOS 7.1

  Although before JailbreakCon, the largest annual conference on jailbreak, the possible presentation of a solution is announced jailbreak for iOS 7.1, this weekend's event passed without anything new. Although the team Evad3rs was present at the event together with other well-known hackers for the iOS platform, unfortunately none of them had to make any presentation for the exploits they own, so unfortunately it seems unlikely that any solution will be released untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1.

  A lot of people are waiting for a solution untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1, but the proximity WWDC 2014 si iOS 8 presentation it certainly led hackers to avoid using important exploits for a version of iOS that will be forgotten in the fall. Having said that, it is unlikely that until after the launch iOS 8 to have a new solution available jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.