Windows 8 Theme for iOS7 – a Windows 8 theme for iPhone

  Windows 8 Theme for iOS7 is, as the name suggests, a new theme Windows 8 for iPhone si iPod TouchAPIs running iOS 7. In the image above you can see the Springboard interface after installing this theme and at first glance you can see that all the application icons installed in iDevices will have that specific look Windows 8, various other graphic elements in the interface have also been modified.

This theme Changes most UISounds, bootlogo, loading wheels, app icon masks, power off/reboot/respring logos, Chevron slider, wifi signal, and the logo for your Procedural Wallpapers using winterboard. Apply theme in winterboard before Procedural Wallpapers logo will be effective.

  Apart from the icons, the theme contains sounds specific to iOS 8, a special boot logo, changes for the buttons of the Settings application, wallpapers and much, much more. Windows 8 Theme for iOS7 is available for FREE in the repo ModMyi al Cydia.