StatusbarWeather7 displays weather information in the iOS 7 status bar

  StatusbarWeather7 is a tweak released during this evening in Cydia, and through it we can display weather information directly in the status bar iOS 7. In the image above you can see how this new tweak works Cydia and notice that next to the clock displayed in the middle of the status bar we will see information about the weather in our location, or another chosen location.

Display temperature and weather icon together with time on statusbar. You can change weather icon set to whatever you like by putting them in /Library/Application Support/StatusWeather/WeatherIcon/

  To choose the location for which you want to display the information, you will have to access the system files of the iDevice, navigate to /Library/Application Support/StatusWeather/WeatherIcon/ and enter the location code. StatusbarWeather7 is available for FREE download in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.