Cosmote, Orange, RCS & RDS and Vodafone - UNLIMITED INTERNET and operators' trap

  In recent years, Cosmote, Orange, RCS & RDS si Vodafone, the largest mobile phone operators in Romania, have flooded the market with offers of unlimited mobile internet at increasingly attractive speeds. Faced with extremely well-thought-out promotional campaigns, users rushed to take advantage of the "offers" only to find out later that unlimited mobile internet it becomes useless if you are not frugal.

  The idea of ​​unlimited mobile internet is a chimera at prices of 5-10 euros for options and this because behind this marketing name is hidden an offer designed to deceive people. When a mobile phone operator tells you that they offer you unlimited internet, in reality he offers you access to his internet network at a certain speed within a traffic limit, and after exceeding it the speed decreases so much that the internet becomes unusable.

  If an operator allocates you 1 GB of traffic at 3G or 4G speeds, after its exhaustion, the speed drops so much that it becomes a real challenge to load another web page within a reasonable time limit. All mobile phone operators in Romania offer mobile internet unlimited for users, but the problem is that people are easily fooled by well-thought-out marketing and after concluding long contracts, they end up crying on the phones of customer relations services.

  In general, mobile phone operators offer 500MB - 3 GB of Internet traffic at 3G or 4G speeds, after the exhaustion of this traffic the speed drops to 64 kbps or 128 Kbps. Translating this decrease in speed into a loading of application information Facebook, you should know that the wait increases from a few seconds to a few minutes to see the News Feed, to almost 1 minute to upload pictures or other information.

  Although they have been repeatedly criticized for misleading offers, they care little, even about the complaints made for the lack of clear information provided to clients when concluding contracts. Having said that, unlimited mobile internet is a trap used by operators to convince you to sign long-term contracts, and in the end you will not get what you hope for.