iPhone 6 – the first clone that could fool you (Video)


  Last week I presented you a detailed video clip with the first iPhone 6 clone put up for sale in Asia, and today it's time to see the second one of them, but this one has a big, big advantage. As you can see in the image above, this one iPhone 6 clone is made based on the supposed specifications for iPhone 6, but it has the markings of a real iPhone on the case and comes in a iPhone 6 packaging.

  If we add to these a fake Lightning charger/cable that looks real and a pair of headphones EarPods counterfeits, an uninformed user could be easily fooled. Of course the terminal works with the help AndroidOS and a theme iOS 8, but those who buy a iPhone for the first time, they could be easily fooled by dishonest people who sell them online.

  Having said that, watch the clip carefully because real iPhone 6 they might look exactly the same.