25% of Americans want an Apple Watch

Elegant Apple Watch

  Apple Watch it was presented a week ago and it seems that it attracted the interest of a very large number of people because a recent study in the USA showed that 25% of Americans want to buy an Apple Watch. The figure is quite small for an Apple product presented with so much hype, but it is based on the fact that only half of those who participated in the study knew what this product was, the other half had not heard of it.

  Of all the people who they participated in the study, 69% stated that they do not want to buy the Apple product, 6% stated that they are unsure, while the rest showed their interest in purchasing it. If this figure would result in at least a few million Apple Watches bought each quarter in the US alone, then Apple could say that its product would have a good first year on the market, and the second iteration could be received with more much interest

  What is interesting about this study is the fact that 52% of the participants believe that smartwatches represent a temporary trend, but Apple will certainly want to contradict anyone who has this opinion. In conclusion, the Apple Watch generates more interest than any other product in its market category, but it probably won't be the next revolutionary product from Cupertino.