An American "killed" his Dell PC because of Windows

Dell killed

Although probably for many this incident will seem unreal, it seems that a man from Colorado was so angry on his own Dell PC that he decided to shoot it 8 times with a 9mm pistol after a few months when the Windows installed in it displayed too many blue screens, so the nickname Blue Screen of Death, BSOD, of this guy of errors even killed the PC.

The man bought a gun from an auction website in the US, took his PC to a dark alley and shot it 8 times as you can see from the image above, the police cited the man to apply a fine for using a weapon inside the city, the gun used for the "murder" being confiscated by the authorities, those from Microsoft avoiding commenting on the incident.

Having said that, considering that in Romania it is illegal to own firearms, it would be advisable to avoid shooting PCs around the house or outside, no matter how many errors it displays.