Fitbit bracelets sell better than Apple Watch

Apple Watch Fitbitbracelet Fitbit sell better than Apple Watch, or at least that's what a study published today suggests that analyzes purchases made by Americans on the Internet recently, the situation being quite interesting at the moment.

Although the bracelets Fitbit they have a starting price of only 50 dollars and reach up to 250 dollars, the difference in price being large compared to Apple Watch, the reality is that many Android smartwatches have similar prices with discounts and still fail to surpass Apple's smart watch in sales.

The fact that the Apple Watch is surpassed in sales by a smart bracelet two months after its launch proves that the interest in this product is not as great as the Apple company would have hoped, although the company still cannot cover the demand on the market.

I told you a few weeks ago that the iPod attracts more interest than the Apple Watch at the moment, and this is quite an important blow for the Apple company, because we are talking about an old product, taken out of the spotlight vs a product for which -they invested tens of millions of dollars in advertising.

According to Slice, less than 5 percent of people who bought a Fitbit since the end of 2013 have also bought an Apple Watch. About 11 percent of people who bought an Apple Watch had purchased a Fitbit product over that period.

Although today's data "covers" only American consumers, there is a very high chance that the situation is similar in other countries around the world, Fitbit bracelets being quite popular in many areas of the planet, even in countries where the Apple Watch it is sold now.

Unfortunately for Apple, it seems that the Apple Watch still has a lot of work to do to convince the world that it is worth buying and it will be interesting to see how it will evolve.