How difficult is the job interview at Apple or Google?

Apple Google employmentApple and Google are the companies whose jobs fights most people looking for a job, and that's because we're talking about well-paid jobs, with advancement opportunities, but also because the company in question won't disappear in a few years.

Because both companies are looking for highly capable people to perform their duties, the hiring process has become much more complex than it was just a few years ago, but also much more difficult, Google being the company that has the toughest hiring process.

Monitoring the opinions of those who went through the hiring process in some of the largest companies in the US, an American agency discovered that IBM has the most relaxed hiring process, while Google has the most difficult, Apple having a somewhat simpler procedure.

In the image below you can see the marks given by people to the company's hiring procedures, 5 marks being the maximum and 1 the minimum, the difference between IBM and Google being large enough to raise many question marks about what is happening in Mountain View.

The interesting part is that only 56% of those who participated in Google interviews had a good experience, the percentage being 55% for Apple, 15% of people having a bad experience in Google interviews, the percentage for Apple being 26%.

Now if you're wondering how long a job interview at Apple or Google takes, well, on average about four weeks in which those willing to hire are initially checked by phone and then go through three more interviews with people from the human resources teams.

Netflix has the shortest hiring process, in the case of this company, only two weeks are needed to complete an interview with a potential employee.