Here is who stole the title of the most valuable company from Apple

For several years, the Apple company proudly occupied the position of the most valuable company on the planet based on stock market capitalization, but today the people from Alphabet stole its place, for the second time in less than a year, and the change could be temporary.

Apple's share price reached $90 this morning, down 2.5%, and although Alphabet's share price is also down, the stock market capitalization of Mountain View has become greater than that of Cupertino .

At the moment, Alphabet has a market capitalization of 499 billion of dollars, that of the Apple company being of 494 billion of dollars, the difference being very small between companies, and with a fluctuating stock market, by the end of the trading day the positions could change.

I told you that both companies changed places less than a year ago, and even in that situation everything was temporary, so there is very little chance that things will be different now, new rumors about Apple products generates a serious increase in the share price.