Here is the first game that can be played in a PDF document

Even if the world of games evolves towards more and more complex titles, with high-quality graphic engines and stories that will keep us busy for several hours in front of computers, consoles, or mobile terminals, someone thought to implement a game in a PDF document, it can be played from there.

You can see in this page that we are talking about a very simple game that requires the simple movement of a mouse in a predefined space, the idea behind the creation being to demonstrate that the realization of such a game is possible, it not having as much complexity as a game for mobile terminals.

To create this game in a PDF document, a series of Adobe APIs were used that are read by Google Chrome, this being the only browser capable of playing the game for users, it being mostly created using JavaScript, the use being extremely simple.

The truth is that few people are interested in being able to play various games in PDF documents, but the idea behind this project was just to show what can be done with a little skill, and other developers could take the idea to create documents with games and more interesting.

bricks document pdf