Here's how to download your friends' Instagram photos

Instagram is the largest photo sharing network on the planet, with hundreds of millions of monthly active users, uploading tens of billions of photos and billions of video clips, but of course no one allows downloading them, or at least that's what we're told by the company owned by Facebook.

In reality, a developer managed to make an extension for the browser Google Chrome named Chrome IG Story, this offering the possibility to download all the pictures published by users through Instagram Stories, so we are talking about pictures that are theoretically only visible for one day within the network.

With the help of the extension Chrome IG Story, anyone will see in Instagram's desktop interface all the pictures published through Instagram Stories and will be able to download the entire archive of the respective person they are following, everything being done extremely simply, directly on the users' computers.

After downloading all the images available in Instagram Stories, you can do whatever you want with those pictures, even though Instagram has announced that these pictures will be completely deleted from its picture sharing network, so don't expect that multimedia content to disappear completely one day after publication.

This extension injects your friend's Instagram Stories above your feed on the desktop website just like it appears in the Instagram mobile app. Simply click the icon of the Instagram user to view their Story. Right click the icon of the Instagram user to download their Story.

Chrome IG Story is available for download from this page, but of course it is available exclusively with the Google Chrome browser.