BigShotJb takes long screenshots on iPhone

BigShotJb is a tweak launched yesterday in Cydia, and it allows us to take large screenshots directly from iPhone terminals. As you can see in the image below, using BigShotJb we can simplify capturing a larger number of information from our terminal applications.

If it would normally be necessary to record several screenshots on the iPhone to capture multiple information from conversations, for example, BigShotJb simplify this. The tweak allows to record more information from the screen, even while scrolling, so you can show more information to anyone and at any time.

Compatible with iOS 9. BigShot is a simple implementation that manipulates the UIWindow's frame to take long vertical screenshots, no need to scroll and take multiple screenshots. Just install BigshotJb from cydia and you should be good to go. And perform a shake gesture and check the screenshot. No options to configure.

BigShotJb is available for download from Cydia's BigBoss repo following this link.
