iOS 10.3 beta 1 vs iOS 10.2.1 - performance comparison

iOS 10.3 beta 1 was released the other day, right after iOS 10.2.1, and today we have the opportunity to see a comparison between the two operating systems. We are talking about a performance comparison made on the iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S, with the aim of showing us which one is faster in daily use.

Although the Apple company implemented in iOS 10.3 the new AFPS system, which should improve the performance of iDevices, this does not happen. As you will see in the video clips below, the performances of iOS 10.3 beta 1 and iOS 10.2.1 are identical, so there is no performance increase for this update.

In this idea, we could conclude that in fact Apple did not improve the performance in any way, and AFPS could have another role in iOS 10. More precisely, Apple could only want to improve the security of its operating system and nothing more , so performance could take a secondary role on the list of priorities.

Having said that, don't expect iOS 10.3 beta 1 to bring major performance improvements, because you'd be sorely mistaken.