Apple uses freelancers to improve Apple Maps

Apple uses freelancers to improve the Apple Maps platform, according to information from one of these people. More specifically, Apple has entered into a partnership with Try Rating to use regular users in its attempt to improve Apple Maps, these being paid 54 cents to check the information on the platform.

Those from Apple pay this amount for each verification of existing information for a point of interest, the procedure lasting only a few minutes for each location. Apple's efforts date back to last year, and according to today's information, each freelancer can work a maximum of 20 hours per week for a maximum of 600 checks.

Basically, Apple pays a little over 300 dollars a week for each person who makes 600 checks, but no one knows what kind of qualification they have to correct the information in Apple Maps. It seems that these people are selected by a company contracted by Try Rating, and if Apple has not abandoned the procedure until now, then the verification process should be accurate.

Apple Maps had very big problems due to the inaccuracy of the information in the platform, and the Apple company seems to be willing to pay to solve them. Whether his efforts will be crowned with success or not, we will only find out by constantly using Apple Maps in the various locations we visit daily.

Apple Maps check information