Qualcomm wants to end the legal dispute with Apple

Qualcomm sued Apple due to non-payment of licensing fees for certain technologies used in the iPhone or iPad. Although initially Qualcomm made serious accusations against the Apple company, now its president claims that both companies are expected to reach an agreement outside the court to resolve this dispute.

The president of Qualcomm says that the process has not progressed one way or another, but that there are no reasons for both companies to settle outside the court. The attitude of those from Qualcomm has changed a lot in recent weeks, as Apple filed separate lawsuits against the company that accused it of blackmail, so it's hard to say what the finality of this battle will be.

Qualcomm claims that Apple owes it at least 1 billion dollars in the form of unpaid licensing fees following the use of important technologies in the iPhone or iPad. Qualcomm also accused Apple of convincing some of its partners to do the exact same thing, and this substantially reduced its revenues in the last fiscal quarters, but the company's president still hopes for a quick solution to the problem.

Qualcomm is the main supplier of modem chips for the Apple company, these being necessary to allow the use of the GSM functions of the iDevices. Apple also contracted Intel to reduce its dependence on Qualcomm products, but the performance of Intel's modems is nowhere near as good.

"There's not really anything new going on. Those things tend to get to resolved out of court and there's no reason why I wouldn't expect that to be the case here."

Qualcomm understanding Apple