Planet Uranus: The SPECIAL Phenomenon It Passes Through in April

In April, the planet Uranus goes through a very important phenomenon that also affects the Earth, here's what will happen in the following weeks.

Planet Uranus transit

The planet Uranus is going to go through a special phenomenon in the next few weeks, astronomers confirming what will happen starting today, and it will be valid for a long period of time. Starting today, the planet Uranus is going to be hidden behind the sun while it makes the transition from the west to the east of the star, so it will not be visible from Earth for at least 3-4 weeks, after which it will return.

The planet Uranus it goes through this event every year, making the transition between the eastern and western parts of the sun, and each time it becomes impossible to observe for several weeks. Starting this afternoon, the planet Uranus will be easier to observe by all those who have a telescope at hand, but of course towards the sunset, because it will be very close to the sun during this very important transit.

Planet Uranus: The SPECIAL Phenomenon It Passes Through in April

The planet Uranus it will be in this period at that closest position to the sun of the entire year, and this is because of the way the sun orbits every earthly year. This transition through which the planet Uranus passes happens every year in April, and during this period all three heavenly bodies are in a straight line for a period of several weeks, the interposition of the star making it impossible to visualize the distant planet.

"The 'superior conjunction' of Uranus is a very important astronomical phenomenon because it is an indicator of the transition of Uranus from the evening sky (over the western horizon after sunset) to appear in the morning sky (over the eastern horizon before sunrise)," QCH astronomy expert Dr. Beshir Marzouk explained in a statement. During the "superior conjunction" Uranus will be close to the sun. Moreover, it will pass behind the sun and therefore cannot be observed at all for the next few weeks from Earth."

The planet Uranus it is one of the farthest from the sun in our solar system, and that is why it is called a frozen planet by many people. The temperatures are extremely low on the planet Uranus, which is quite normal considering the extremely large distance from the sun, or other stars that heat its atmosphere, but also its surface, so it is not the only one that is in this situation in within our solar system.

The planet Uranus it will become visible again somewhere around the end of May, so if you have a telescope at hand, then you will be able to watch it closely when it reappears.