Raed Arafat: Anyone can be vaccinated if there are unused doses

Raed Arafat Anyone who vaccinates unused doses

Raed Arafat tells the Romanians that anyone can be vaccinated, regardless of whether they are part of the category that is being vaccinated at a given time or not, in the conditions that there are unused doses in the vaccination centers, and this is extremely good news for all the world.

Raed Arafat makes this statement in the conditions where in Romania it happened that people were vaccinated who were not scheduled just so that the doses would not be thrown away, and in the end the important thing is that every dose of vaccine is used.

"The intention of the Committee is not to miss a single dose. What does this mean? If you see that so many registered and only so many came, then at the difference in doses you identify somewhere where there are people to be vaccinated and they want to be vaccinated and you use them. Even if those people aren't part of that group, they haven't signed up yet. This has also been used in other countries. People who sign up must be responsible. If you signed up, then you go. If you don't want to go, don't sign up."