Romanian Government: The AstraZeneca vaccine has many adverse reactions

The Government of Romania The AstraZeneca vaccine has many adverse reactions

The Romanian government, through the president of CNCAV, Valeriu Gheorghita, revealed that the AstraZeneca vaccine against the Coronavirus has more adverse reactions than those from Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna because of the way it was created for humans.

The Romanian government tells us that this vaccine based on a viral vector has more adverse reactions because, in general, vaccines of this kind generate more adverse reactions than those based on RNA, so you know what to expect.

"It is. I would like to point out, instead, that they are not more severe reactions, they are just more frequent and it depends on the type of vaccine. I remind you that the vaccine from the AstraZeneca company is a vaccine based on a viral vector, it is a more reactogenic vaccine, especially in young people compared to people over 60-65 years old.

The frequency of adverse reactions is less frequent after the second dose, and these viral vector vaccines induce a reaction from the body, an immunological reaction both to the antigen in the vaccine and to the vector, basically to that weakened type of adenovirus which represents the vehicle through which the cell receives the genetic information necessary for the synthesis of protein S. So it is a peculiarity related to the type of vaccine."