Ministry of Health: Warning regarding the Heat wave in Romania

The Ministry of Health is hot

The Ministry of Health has issued a very important warning aimed at all Romanians throughout the country, and this is because we are talking about a series of recommendations to protect ourselves during the hot days that will come to Romanians this summer.

The Ministry of Health comes up with these recommendations so that Romanians know how to protect themselves from the excessive heat that will be in the country, and from the sun that will burn with increasing power during this period, so it is good to follow the advice.

"Measures for hot days
Considering the warnings of the National Meteorological Administration regarding the red heat wave code valid these days in seven counties in the west and northwest of the country, as well as other yellow and orange heat wave and thermal discomfort warnings for the rest of the country, the Ministry of Health requested the county public health departments, respectively the Bucharest Public Health Directorate, to take all the necessary measures to reduce the medical risks caused by the heat wave and to be able to provide first aid to citizens in the shortest possible time, in case of emergency.
General recommendations for the population
• Avoid, as much as possible, prolonged exposure to the sun between 11.00 and 18.00;
• If you have air conditioning, adjust the device so that the temperature is 5 degrees lower than the ambient temperature;
• Fans should not be used if the air temperature exceeds 32 degrees Celsius;
• Wear sun hats, loose and loose clothes, made of natural fibers, light colors;
• Take warm showers throughout the day, without drying yourself;
• Drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of liquids daily, without waiting for the feeling of thirst to appear. During periods of heat wave it is recommended to drink a glass of water every 15-20 minutes;
• Do not consume alcohol because it favors dehydration and reduces the body's ability to fight against heat;
• Avoid drinks with a high caffeine content (coffee, tea, Cola) or sugar (carbonated soft drinks) because they are diuretics;
• Consume fresh fruits and vegetables (melon, red melon, plums, cucumbers, tomatoes) because they contain a large amount of water;
• Avoid outdoor activities that require high energy consumption (sports, gardening, etc.).
• Take care of the people dependent on you (children, the elderly, people with disabilities) by regularly offering them fluids, even if they do not ask for them;
• Maintain permanent contact with neighbors, relatives, acquaintances who are elderly or disabled, taking an interest in their state of health."