The Government of Romania: The Third Dose of Vaccine Is Not Administered Even Upon Request

The Romanian government administers the third dose of the vaccine request

The Romanian government presented a strange story from Cluj-Napoca in which a man showed up at a drive-through vaccination center to be vaccinated with the third dose of the vaccine, which is not yet recommended, or possible, according to official information.

"One more week has passed at Drive Through Cluj-Napoca. After the heat of the previous week came a... capricious weather.
Capricious is actually an unfortunate word, synonymous with surprising, and something toane plus an alteration of beautiful and "unbeautiful".
The past week brought the most beautiful clouds, in the sky of Cluj, that I have seen in the last decade: nervous clouds, fluffy clouds, voluptuous clouds, gray, blue, white... And it's like, as the clouds were, they people were also…surprising.
Some people come to get vaccinated with the idea of ​​vacation in mind, they forget their documents at home, they forget their grandmother at home, whom they want to bring as a reminder, of these...
Some, however, exaggerate their desire for vaccination or decide to mix vaccines, establishing their own schedule because that's what they heard on TV that happens in other countries.
The other day, a man arrived at the stand, alone in his car, about 50 years old, kind in the first phase. Give the bulletin and form to the doctor. The doctor asks him if it's booster or dose 1. He answers, the third dose and smiles. The doctor is also smiling (he thought the man was joking, I determined it was a moody week). The documents are taken for verification.
From the tent, Alex shouts: STOP, he's vaccinated twice.
The man says:
– I did two doses, I want the third, but I said that at the beginning.
The doctor tells him that three doses can't be given, not now. The third dose will be clarified in the next period, but it is not possible now.
The patient insists:
– I can wait, in case you have any doses left.
The doctor also insists:
- It's not that we don't have doses, but it's not possible. In the end he nervously leaves to try somewhere else. He was not convinced that it could not be done.
Today, a maximum of two doses are allowed in the vaccination schedule, if the vaccine is built on a double dosage, or a single dose if it is Johnson. And according to the regulations, doses from different manufacturers cannot be mixed.
What will be in the future, we will see. Florin Moroșanu, member of the Drive Through Cluj-Napoca team."