Minister of Education: Last Minute Decision with Application in All Schools

Minister of Education Last Minute Decision Application All Schools

The Minister of Education announced a last-minute decision that will be applied in all schools in Romania, and this is because it targets a measure that must be taken at the moment, after the discovery of the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus, so that for the time being schools will work with the program normal.

The Minister of Education says that no new measures are yet taken into account to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus due to the appearance of the Omicron variant, and separately from that he also talks about the saliva tests that are assembled in schools and distributed throughout the country by educational institutions.

"As a minister, I have already announced the program, I do not consider anything other than what the necessary authorities tell me, until this moment the authorities, led by the Minister of Health, have not considered it necessary to foresee measures on this level.

The possibilities of the schools differ from a school with a few students to schools that have 2000 students, from a school that has infrastructure difficulties, to a school that has a multitude of spaces where this can be done. There are no special requirements.

It is also a matter of internal management, there are managers, there are teachers, there are people appointed at the level of each school for health protection. I repeat, the diversity of schools and kindergartens is extremely large, just like in any other state, and the director knows the concrete situation, and he is responsible for organizing this process.

The joint order of the ministries states very clearly that where there is availability from the teaching staff, and where the infrastructure allows, the tests will be done in school, specifying that the parents' consent is needed if it is done in school. Where the teachers consider that they cannot get involved in this process, or there is no infrastructure, the students receive the tests for a week, and they can be administered at home, under the supervision of their parents.

If they are administered by the parents, or in the presence of the parents, their express consent is obviously no longer needed, because the parents are the ones who administer them. It is important to be able to report, to report correctly and in time the results of these tests to the school and the family doctor, if it is a positive result."