Minister of Education: Last Minute Decision for Millions of Students and Schools

The Minister of Education Last Minute Decision Millions of School Students

The Minister of Education has officially announced a last-minute decision that will have an impact on millions of students from all over Romania, and will apply to all schools in our country, and this is because the ministry will allow educational units to make the decision on their own to do, or not, classes on December 23, theoretically the last school day of 2021, classes to be resumed in January 2022.

The Minister of Education offers schools this possibility because December 24th is a free day, so that both students and teachers or parents will have the opportunity to prepare more easily, and in time, for Christmas if the schools decide that on the date of December 23 not to do the courses in any way, or they will not do them in physical format and only online.

"Given the configuration of this school year and the challenges it has brought for children and teachers, the Ministry of Education has decided to offer the possibility to school units to adapt the way in which the day of December 23 will be organized, from a didactic point of view.

Thus, each school principal will be able to decide, after consulting the teaching staff, whether on December 23 the students will conduct classes with physical presence or whether the activities can be adapted in such a way as to meet the expectations in the particular context of the holidays, in which the learning activities can organize in a non-formal and informal way, possibly through a project on a theme that involves the whole family and that will be presented to colleagues after the holiday break.

We made this decision both to meet the desire of children and parents to dedicate this day to preparations for Christmas Eve, and in the spirit of decentralization promoted this year by the Ministry of Education, so that educational institutions can more effectively adapt their activities to expectations and the needs of society.