Valeriu Gheorghita: The Alarming News with the Risk of Wave 5 and the Responsibility of the Romanians

Valeriu Gheorghita Alarming News Risk Wave 5 Responsibility of Romanians

Valeriu Gheorghita transmits extremely serious news for the 5th wave of infections generated by the Coronavirus, and this is because he warns Romanians about a very serious risk and tells them that they are responsible for their children during this period.

Valeriu Gheorghita draws our attention to the fact that in the 5th wave of infections with the Omicron variant, young people are the ones who are infected in the largest number, and parents must be responsible for their children, and must protect them against a possible infection.

"The message remains that a protected child is a child whose belongings, and here I mean parents, grandparents, and those people with whom he frequently comes into contact, should be protected by vaccination, first of all, and respect preventive measures as they are recommended at this time.

I think that in the current situation we must all make an effort for our children, in the sense that we must give them the opportunity to go to school, but we cannot transfer this responsibility to the children, and we as adults must be responsible, for that the rate of occurrence of serious cases in children is very low, they, on the other hand, get infected very easily.

Young people, at the moment, have the highest rate of positivity, at least according to the data presented by the European Center for Disease Control, the biggest increase is in the age group of 15-24 years, and in 3rd place is the group under 15 years of age, so the young population is frequently affected at this moment as a result of increased mobility and interaction.

Young people's adherence to preventive measures is lower, and from this point of view the intra-family impact could be on the most vulnerable, so from this perspective, children, especially those under 5 who are eligible for vaccination, must be protected by relatives, parents, or grandparents.

I remind you that at the moment more than 200 pediatric vaccination offices are active in the vaccination platform, of which there are 6 in Bucharest, one in each sector, 2 in Ilfov, and another 21 inactive and which will be updated and activated , in the platform depending on the addressability and the decisions of the DSPs."