Valeriu Gheorghita: Last Minute Announcement with Measure for the COVID Certificate

Valeriu Gheorghita speaks officially about the extremely important measure for the COVID certificate, the one that generated extremely many contradictory discussions among Romanians, the military doctor saying that it is necessary to eliminate testing from this type of certificate.

Valeriu Gheorghita says that the COVID certificate should only contain information about the vaccination, or passing through the disease, of a person, and this is because the testing does not offer any protection for people, but only the certainty that a person is not infected.

"I think that at the moment the COVID certificate must have its purpose redefined. Its purpose, in my opinion, and that of many experts in Europe, is to limit, to prevent, serious forms of illness, and to a lesser extent the spread of the infection, that is why the COVID certificate should be redefined, and only two categories of information, vaccination and getting through the disease, not testing.

Testing only ensures that the person participating in an event is not infected, so there is no risk of transmission, but at the same time they are susceptible to infection, and if they have risk factors, there is the possibility of developing serious forms. That is why many European countries remove the testing component from the COVID certificates, and only allow passing through the disease or vaccination.

If we leave its initial form, people are right, it doesn't help us anymore, it is not a tool that currently limits the spread of the disease, but it is a tool that we could use to avoid serious forms of the disease, and hospitalizations, and the enormous pressure on the medical system.

At this moment, I think that solutions must be found to limit the spread and infection of people, because a big problem in the 5th wave caused by Omicron is absenteeism from the workplace. There are large outbreaks of infections in hospitals, in various corporations, in various workplaces, certain activities considered critical, essential, or this could create big problems.

It is true, in these months there were certain statements (n. ed. regarding vaccines) which, please, I do not understand what they were based on scientifically, more on the non-existence of some information, practically they increased the degree of mistrust, unfortunately, especially when the information comes from people who have a certain expertise behind them."